Why the Colour of the Sky Matters: Breaking Patterns #2 with Hemauer/Keller, Mirjam Varadinis and Jurczok 1001

It was reported during the COVID-19 local lockdowns, from Beijing to Milan, that the sky was of an unprecedented blue. No smog, less pollution and hundreds of thousands of lives were saved globally due to the increasing quality of the air. If we don’t want to go back to the old normal, what kind of measure should be taken? Global regulations? National laws?

For several years, Zurich based artists Christina Hemauer and Roman Keller have dealt in their artistic practice with how the colour of the sky changes due to the global climate crisis and geopolitical choices. Artist duo Hemauer/Keller will narrate their research process in conversation with Mirjam Varadinis (curator of Kunsthaus Zürich and manifesta 12) to a public of invited guests and registered participants. The audience will then be invited in small groups to virtual rooms to experiment with an intimate, poetic task linked to Hemauer/Keller’s artistic practice: a collaborative process which should trigger an ongoing political discussion.



Why the Colour of the Sky Matters: Breaking Patterns #2 with Hemauer/Keller, Mirjam Varadinis and Jurczok 1001
28.5.2020, 19:00-20:30
