Spirit of Hope

[…] surely by now one has put on the artistic pair Christina Hemauer and Roman Keller’s headset with attached iPod. The sounds of an English concertina full of longing ring out, evoking absent-minded dreams.

They are intended to remind one of the predilections of Lady Louisa Hope, widow of a Scottish general and the first owner of this nature-inspired art garden. This lady of the house, originally from England and later related to the Hungarian nobility Szilassy through descendants, has created the park grounds with stunning sycamores and other trees.

What could have brought her to this god-forsaken place 175 years ago? On the hill in the park grounds the mortal remains of the family rest in a tiny, locked private cemetery.

Feli Schindler, Genuine and Deceptive Idylls in Green, Tages-Anzeiger 03.08.2011, p. 23


Sound on 25 headphones (34 min.)

12.6. – 25.9.

Bex & Arts
11th sculpture Triennale in the Szilassy park