The Invasion of the Laughing Jackass

Installation views at the Swiss Art Awards in Basel, Switzerland, 2008

«By decree of the Swiss Federal Council , all major consumers had to build up emergency supplies, known as compulsory stock. This lesson from the war prompted oil company Migrol to construct this tank right here on the banks of the Rhine […].

Another lesson was that when disputes yet again arise, in times of war one must not allow things of value to fall into the hands of the enemy. The supports of the Rhine bridges were therefore rigged with explosives so that if the enemy had indeed advanced, they could have been detonated. It was subsequently decreed that preparations be made for the destruction of the oil tanks. At the push of a button, or more likely two buttons if the first proved to be dud, the action – or what ever – could have been completed. In two places on the steel tanks bundles of around 20 x 20cm were attached which had the potential to generate a heat of a little over 2000 degrees celsius. This would have melted through the steel and ignited the oil contained inside».

Karl Bodmer, former member of the building committee (1958-62) and municipality president of Eglisau (1962-78)


Triptych with bench, audio, text and spotlight



2015: Kunstmuseum Olten
2008: Swiss Art Awards, Basel


2008: Swiss Art Award